Doxiepoo | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking (2024)

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8 Months

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2 People

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House & Yard

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Playing fetch with her

She is the most loving gentle puppy...we also have here sister Tillie....they love going outside and wresting with each other....Me and my wife love them to death....would recommend a doxipoo to anyone that's wanting a small loving dog

2years, 1month ago

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Daisy and Marmaduke

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12 Years

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3 People

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House & Yard

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My 12 yr old brother sister Doxis are the most adorable loving companions!! We absolutely adore them, they have been the best most loyal pets anyone can ask for. He is super chill, she is a little high strung, both love attention & cuddles. They are inseparable, extremely protective & don't love other dogs so I don't socialize them. Kennel cough shot makes them sick, I pass on it. I don't board them or take them to dog parks where they can be exposed. They've suffered allergies all their life. I've only fed them the best raw diet expensive food/treats without grains, soy, corn & dairy but they still itch, sneeze & suffer some doesn't matter the season. Inside/outside winter summer I've tried it all. NO table food. My boy has had some IVDD issues because he has a long doxi body but I've been able to keep him healthy with a doggie back brace (best investment ever) & doggy Chiro. If I see his back curl a little I know he is hurting from jumping, his spine a little out of whack. I put him in the brace & am able to stop his issue before it becomes a problem. His sister was the runt 6 oz, she is tiny but mighty; no back issues, her allergies not nearly as prominent. Unfortunately over the last couple years we noticed she was getting chunky. I take them for walks, but she really struggles so I recently got her a doggie backpack . I've taken them for their regular 6 mo. clinic appts.,shots since we got them at 8 weeks-nothing has ever been recognized even when I've asked to check their moles/bumps & maladies. Normal with age I've been told. After researching dog bumps, I see they are benign warts. Daisy has so many! My groomer didn't say anything unusual either but when searching again warts are viral & they spread a lot. I wondered if grooming them/cutting over them may have helped them spread more. I've also noticed some very unusual behaviors lately in both but her especially...excessive, like super excessive drinking, excessive licking everything from the floor to blanket, chairs, pillows, anything she can, hacking after drinking & unusually heavy breathing. Her warts are spreading getting bigger, bleeding & not reacting to homeopathic salve & Thuja tabs I've been using that others swear by. I was perplexed & searched all of these maladies only to find she has ALL the symptoms of Cushing Syndrome, every one & what we thought was weight gain is the classic pot belly that comes with Cushing. I just thought she was aging & didn't even know about this condition. Very prominent in Dachshunds & toy poodles, DOUBLE WHAMMY. Sadly her skin is just terrible, worse than ever; thin, warts, wounds and unusually flaky. She is very fragile & ill, declining everyday but I care for her like a baby. She eats/drinks like a horse, never misses a meal or a treat. We were calling her Hoover, not even knowing it was unusual...They go potty about every 1/2 hour during the day, evening when someone is home. They poop a lot too. Not at night, thankfully they sleep until the alarm goes off in the a.m. I never knew or recognized any of this, I just thought they were wanting treats & attention. I am afraid Daisy may be at the end of her life since she could have developed this disease quite some time ago right under our nose. I pray my Marmaduke is with us much longer. I love & care for my pups like my babies, this is a complete shock. So for all you Doxi parents, please if you notice any of these symptoms get ahead of it & talk to your vet. From what I've read there is no cure even if you have medical intervention (which can be $$$$) the life expectancy is 2 years. I'm sharing my knowledge not to scare anyone but to inform. I wish I knew, not that I could have prevented anything. They do not suffer from this or have pain thankfully but I am sad & will love & spoil her til the very end. If this information helps one person understand what may be up with their beloved pet, I'm happy to have enlightened you. I wish our dogs could live with us forever & hope your beautiful doxi's live a healthy, long & wonderful life with you and your families. They are exceptional loving companions. Blessings, A.R.

2years, 4months ago

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12 Weeks

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2 People

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House & Yard

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Playing in the snow

Playing with our other dog

Playing with her toys

She is young but very affectionate. Has already learned her name. Is getting close to being potty trained

2years, 5months ago

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3 Years

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8 People

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House & Yard

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Playing in the snow

Laying in the sun

Hide & Seek



Agility training






One of the most loving and affectionate dogs I’ve ever met. Very loyal to myself in particular and gets separation anxiety when I am not there, but follows around my mum when I am not there. She’s my little shadow. Loves ballball and snuggles up in whatever temperatures.

3years ago

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1 Year

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2 People

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Our Doxiepoo is very affectionate, and unfortunately gets bad separation anxiety whenever nobody is home. Good for an apartment but make sure you train them not to bark early. VERY easy to train. Love my Doxiepoo

6years, 5months ago


Go to Park



Guard dog

Road trip


Play keep away




Look out the window

Hide & Seek

Learn a new trick


Eating Snacks

Laying in the sun

Playing in the snow

Riley is a super playful pup. She is very loving, but darn stubborn. She loves to watch everything going on outside through the window, but LOVES to be a lapdog.

5years, 4months ago

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Martin and Mia

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8 Months

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6 People

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Good and loving and caring

5years ago

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1 Year

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2 People

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House & Yard

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Just got him from shelter 4 days ago .... from a hoarder situation 1 of 4 in litter. Very timid ... doesn’t like men but not aggressive... warms up eventually ... loves play and outside

4years, 5months ago

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10 Weeks

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4 People

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House & Yard

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Long walks

Playdates with other dogs

My doxiepoo is working on crate training, after two weeks she is already sleeping through the whole night with no whining. She is energetic and loves to play with the big dogs and greet new people. Within two weeks of training she does "sit", "lay down", "roll over", and "sit pretty" up of her hind legs. Potty training is taking longer but she does always try to let us know when she has to go. So far, no aggression and only play barking with other at all

4years, 5months ago

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10 Years

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4 People

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Eating Snacks


she’s amazing. she also is there for me when i need her. i love her and she loves me

4years, 4months ago

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4 Months

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5 People

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I love it 🥰. He is start to sit already and recognizes his name!

4years, 3months ago

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6 Years

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2 People

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House & Yard

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4years, 2months ago

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3 Years

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2 People

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going for walks

Playing hide and seek


Obedience training

Agility training


Bath time


Belly rubs


Car rides

My dog is one that I will always remember. He is very vocal and makes extra sure that his voice is heard. He's also very quirky and smart, so smart that I sometimes think he is a human in a dog's body.

4years, 2months ago

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4 Months

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1 People

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Long walks,


Roads trips

He s been really good and calm to be a puppy, day things a few times and he gets it.

4years ago

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6 Years

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2 People

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Walk and play

My Max lead a rough life before I got him. He was not taken care of by his original owners and so he has trouble with men. My parents had him after that, and didn’t devote enough time to loving him and working with him. So I got him! I have managed to calm him down, he loves my husband and my father now, and he loves to nip and bark for play, all the time his tail just wags!!! Max is a very good boy! He does bark a lot though if he hears anybody outside the door or sees anyone out the window.

3years, 12months ago

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4 Months

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5 People

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House & Yard

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Road trip




Geo is the cutest puppy ever. He likes to play fight with our other dog (beagle mix) and is very talkative. When ever we're on walks and there is another dog, he will bark like crazy. He is still a puppy and still learning.

3years, 11months ago

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6 Months

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9+ People

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House & Yard

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I don't about them I have one because they are cute

3years, 10months ago

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8 Weeks

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2 People

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Not sure yet. Just got him

3years, 8months ago

Doxiepoo | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking (613)

Maizy Grace

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3 Years

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5 People

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House & Yard

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shes sweet and very affectionate but refuses to let us pick her up or touch her feet. she went in to get fixed when she was a couple months old and when she came back she was not the same. shes very fat because we feed her twice a day so she doesn't chew everything in the house. very easy to train and very well mannered except for her barking a lot and talking too much :)

3years, 8months ago

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1 Year

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2 People

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House & Yard

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Daisy is a very loving sweet natured dog. She does not like to be left alone but is fine if left with another dog.

3years, 5months ago

Doxiepoo | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking (681)


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1 Year

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2 People

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House & Yard

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Daisy is a very loving sweet natured dog. She does not like to be left alone but is fine if left with another dog.

3years, 5months ago

Doxiepoo | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking (715)

Uchie Grace Dolan

Doxiepoo | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking (716)

2 Weeks

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3 People

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I have had a Toy Poodle before and I loved her. Her name was Trixie.

3years, 5months ago

Doxiepoo | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking (749)


Doxiepoo | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking (750)

6 Months

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5 People

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House & Yard

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He’s brand new to our family and we’re all getting adjusted to him. So far, he’s super active and he tends to nibble on our fingers a lot so we think he’s teething.

3years, 1month ago

Doxiepoo | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking (783)

Question - My pet


What kind of breed is a dachshund a poodle and a chihuahua


Doxiepoo | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking (2024)


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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.