Alamy Contributor Forum (2025)

1. Alamy Forum

  • Contributor help page

  • The Alamy forum is open to everyone and is designed to help our wonderful, worldwide community of photographers support each other in navigating the world of Alamy and stock photography in general.

2. Contributor Help - Images, Live News, Footage, Vectors & Illustrations

  • Become a contributor · Sell images · Why should I sell stock... · FAQs

  • Find out everything you need to know about selling your stock imagery on Alamy. Join our community of over 95,000 contributors and 110,000 image buyers.

3. Image Sales - Contributor FAQ - Alamy

  • Find out everything you need to know about making a sale plus the answers to all your other questions about becoming a contributor ... Join our discussion forum.

  • Find out everything you need to know about making a sale plus the answers to all your other questions about becoming a contributor.

4. About Alamy - Contributor FAQ

  • Understand why you should pick Alamy, who our customers are and what type of imagery we sell. Find the answers to all your questions in our FAQ section.

5. Getting My Images on Sale - Contributor FAQ - Alamy

  • Find out everything you need to know about getting your images on sale plus the answers to all your other questions about becoming a contributor.

6. Contributor Contract Signing Up - Contributor FAQ - Alamy

  • Everything you need to know about contracts, commission splits and copyright plus find the answers to all your other questions.

7. Alamy - is it worth it? | Professional Microstock Forum - MicrostockGroup

8. 2023 Alamy Contributor Survey results

  • 11 dec 2023 · We're excited to share that the results are in from the contributor survey which was emailed and shared on the forum to all active Alamy ...

  • Learn what our photographers think of Alamy and the plans we have in place to make improvements to the Alamy platform in 2024.

9. The questions you may ask about Alamy (the British stock photo ...

  • How can I be an Alamy contributor? ... There is a consensus among experienced contributors of the Alamy forum that it is better to ignore the discoverability bar.

  • I collected the questions of photographers who have no experience with Alamy, but want to be successful selling their images.

10. Photographers Contact Us - Alamy

  • If you still need help after that, you can mail us at and we'll get back to you. Live News. For photographer enquiries about Live News, ...

  • If you're a contributor and need to get in touch with Alamy, you can find the photographer contact details here.

11. Caution: Don't Question Alamy | Professional Microstock Forum

  • 18 okt 2018 · However, don't mention Stockimo on the Alamy forum unless you ... Alamy does not have a record of being contributor unfriendly. Much ...

  • Forum for microstock professionals

12. Alamy: a world outside of microstock - Xpiks

  • 26 okt 2021 · In addition, contributors can find help on Alamy Contributor Portal or seek peer support at Alamy Contributor Forums. Besides contributor-to- ...

  • Alamy is a totally different player in the game of microstock. Not only it is one of the oldest agencies out there, but it still thrives and even makes

13. Leaving Alamy - Contributor FAQ

  • Find out everything you need to know about leaving Alamy plus the answers to all your other questions about becoming a contributor ... Join our discussion forum.

  • Find out everything you need to know about leaving Alamy plus the answers to all your other questions about becoming a contributor.

14. I love you Alamy, but I'm breaking up with you!

  • 13 sep 2020 · It's business as usual and no changes to the contributor relationship with Alamy. ... It seems a lot of people on the Alamy forum are going to ...

  • I’ve always liked Alamy’s business model. For years they’ve worked hard to keep license fees relatively high by carving out an editorial niche in a crowded marketplace. Their comm…

15. make money from your photos, vectors and illustrations - Alamy

  • Join Alamy contributor community – Unleash your visuals potential, submit photos, vectors, and footage, and start earning today!

16. Alamy Review: A Legit Site to Make Money Selling Visuals?

  • 29 jun 2024 · Get tips for selling images on Alamy by joining the active ''Contributor Forum''. Here, you can get guidance from those who've had success and ...

  • Looking for a place to sell stock photos and images? Check out this Alamy review to find out what it offers contributors.

17. How to sell stock photos on Alamy | WahaviBlog

  • The tips mentioned below come from experienced contributors on the Alamy forums, and from my own experience, too. Selling images: actually, we do not sell ...

  • A detailed guide on how to manage and sell your stock photos with Alamy stock photo company.

18. Adobe Stock Contributor

  • Expand your creative career with stock. Sell your content to the world's largest creative community. Join now. Link my Adobe ID ...

  • Earn more by licensing your creative work to millions of buyers on Adobe’s world-leading platform.

19. Alamy Contributor Review – Selling Stock Photos on Alamy

  • 8 dec 2023 · Check out the Alamy review for photographers and content contributors. Find out if Alamy is a reliable platform to sell your media content.

  • Alamy is a popular stock photography platform that offers a wide range of images, illustrations, and videos to clients all over the world. As an Alamy contributor, you have the opportunity to make money by

20. Guidelines for submitting images to Alamy - Sell Stock Images & Photos

  • By continuing to use you accept our use of cookies. Alamy. Be part of our community of over 60,000 contributors and 110,000 buyers. Contributor ...

  • You can send us stock photos, illustrations, live news, mobile, archival & reportage imagery. All of these have slightly different submission guidelines.

21. The 17 Best Websites To Sell Photos Online (2024) - Shopify

  • 17 jan 2024 · Alamy pays contributors monthly and has several commission models. Photographers receive between 17% and 50% of sales, depending on image ...

  • Whether photography is your hobby or profession, here’s how to sell photos online and earn more from your stock photo portfolio.

22. Become a Contributor - Getty Images

  • WE ARE iSTOCK BY GETTY IMAGES! NICE TO MEET YOU! We invite you to join our talented community and monetize your portfolio! Download our app to join ...

  • Saiba mais sobre como monetizar seu portfólio!

Alamy Contributor Forum (2025)


Can you actually make money on Alamy? ›

As well as the traditional stock route, there are some additional ways you can make money through Alamy. These include selling through our global distribution network. Find out all the details about these and other ways to make money from your images in our Sell Images section.

Is it worth selling on Alamy? ›

Alamy's advantage

Sell your first photo on Alamy and you earn 20%. And where you'd need to sell an astounding 25,000 images to earn a 40% royalty at Shutterstock, you can earn that 40% royalty at Alamy after ringing up just $250 in gross revenue. The site bumps you up to the higher royalty level whenever you qualify.

Can I sell iPhone photos on Alamy? ›

Select images from your iPhone, add captions, tag and upload them to Stockimo. If your image is approved it will go on sale to advertisers, designers, publishers and more. We'll sell your photos through Alamy, you get your share and you keep the copyright.

What is the highest paying stock photo website? ›

Best Paid Stock Image Sites
  • Shutterstock. Key Features: Curated collections & Shutterstock editor. ...
  • Getty Images. Key features: Custom content & classic design. ...
  • iStock. Key features: Inclusive storytelling & Boards. ...
  • Adobe Stock. Key features: All-in-one design platform & free images. ...
  • Dreamstime. ...
  • BigStock. ...
  • Depositphotos. ...
  • Envato.

How much can you realistically make selling stock photos? ›

This way, I get a realistic overview of the average earning per file that I upload. Take a look at the numbers below. As you see, the average revenue per file is usually between $0.04 and $0.06 per month. If I take a look at my 2023 average, I'm earning exactly $0.05 USD per file per month.

Is Shutterstock better than Alamy? ›

Compare Alamy and Shutterstock

When comparing quality of ongoing product support, reviewers felt that Shutterstock is the preferred option. For feature updates and roadmaps, our reviewers preferred the direction of Shutterstock over Alamy.

How do I increase my visibility on Alamy? ›

Add captions and tags

Before you start, think about the potential use of the image and what it's likely to be sold for, the more accurately you describe your image, the more visibility it will have in customer searches, which will significantly increase your chance of making a sale.

Should I watermark photos I sell? ›

Watermarking deters those who steal images without the original owner's permission and upload them on different social media platforms and websites. Typically, they would just move on to other pictures that don't have watermarks. Image theft actually happens a lot more than you would imagine.

Can I sell AI-generated art on Alamy? ›

Yes, Alamy banned contributors uploading AI-generated content in late-March 2023 with this announcement. There's no denying it's a thrill to see a piece of text transformed into an image, apparently by magic. It's the kind of technology many of us dreamed of as kids.

Do you need a license for stock photos? ›

If you plan to use it for commercial purposes, make sure to purchase a commercial license. Keep Records: Maintain a record of all the images you've purchased, including their licenses. This documentation can be essential if any legal issues arise.

Is Alamy copyright free? ›

As a photographer you retain the copyright. Alamy just licenses your stock images for customers to use.

Can you legally sell stock photos? ›

You can sell stock photos for a higher price if a company wants exclusive rights to them. All stock photo websites have their own definitions for each type of license, so you should always read the fine print before agreeing to any terms. There are two main types of licenses, however: royalty free and rights managed.

What app buys your pictures? ›

Turn spare moments into spare cash with the stockimo app and sell your images on Alamy, the world's largest website for picture buyers. Select photos from your smartphone, tag, and upload them to Stockimo. Once approved, your photos go on sale.

Has anyone made money on Picfair? ›

Is Picfair the first place you've sold your photos? Yes, I made my first ever sale on Picfair, and I have now made a total of 17 sales in a pretty short amount of time, which I am very happy about. I tried one website before Picfair, but I did not like it since I was not able to set my own prices.

How much does it cost to sell on Alamy? ›

The average license price on Alamy is $35. Q. How do I know if I've made a sale?

Is Alamy better than Shutterstock? ›

Reviewers felt that Shutterstock meets the needs of their business better than Alamy. When comparing quality of ongoing product support, reviewers felt that Shutterstock is the preferred option. For feature updates and roadmaps, our reviewers preferred the direction of Shutterstock over Alamy.

Can you really make money selling photos online? ›

The fact is, there is nothing that says you can't sell photos online and generate revenue from your images. Buyers are willing to pay money to content creators, and they'll be willing to pay you money for your photos.


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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Views: 5997

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (55 voted)

Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.